Journey from home office to lease to buying to selling …
I first met Jessi when she was ready to grow her business out of her home office and needed the right space. She landed in a 1000 SF space in Altamonte and then expanded again within that complex. Soon, she needed more space again, but couldn’t justify putting more of her business’ money into the landlord’s pocket. Jessi had a less than 90 days to buy a building if she was going to make it happen. I told her to come to my office and lay eyes on my building so she could visualize that goal.
Jessi then put in the work needed to close on her own 6000 square foot building which has exponentially fueled her business’ growth. Jessi shared her story in her book “Soul Beneficiary: The Good, Better, Best Guide to Success in Selling Insurance.” Later, she decided she wanted to move to the mountains. Jessi was able to sell and deploy the equity into her new home because she wasn’t shackled by a lease, She was her own landlord and had the flexibility.